Sunday, October 12, 2008

Inaugural Post

Welcome, bienvenue, bienvenidos! I'll make this short and sweet. I am a junior at Boston College, originally from the good ole state of Wisconsin (represent!). First off, quick note on title: for those of you who are well-acquainted with Walt Disney World, a.k.a. the happiest place on Earth, "Figment" is the name of character in Epcot. He loves using his imagination, I love using mine. Perfect match! 

I'm studying in Sevilla, Spain for the entire year. As those of you who have ever visited Europe have probably observed, life is a tad more slow-paced in comparison with the hustle and bustle in the U.S. What better to do with all this free time than to start a blog! It will be fashion-y. I say fashion-y because I might throw in tidbits related to music, movies, books, world events, good food, etc. I have already been posting about happenings here in Spain on my other blog, check it out if you have time! 

Peace, Maddy 

Question: Is there a better time to start discussing fashion than immediately post-fashion month?
Answer: No. 

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